Social skills are skillsets that we use in our everyday life to interact with each other. They include verbal communication methods such as talking, giving speeches, and public speaking; and non-verbal communication methods such as gestures, body language, and facial expressions. Social skills are needed to use in our day-to-day lives makes them a much more important skill set that we have to improve.

As the world’s largest youth organization, AIESEC has been producing confident young leaders for society with valuable skillsets such as social skills, negotiating skills, and communication skills, along with leadership qualities and knowledge. Now, why are these social skills so important to a young individual?

The way we interact with one another, with our family members, friends, peers, teachers, lecturers, and other individuals or groups will have a considerable impact on our lives. By having a strong social skillset, we can have a good and healthy relationship with each other and get to know them much more deeply by understanding them, feeling them correctly, and increasing empathy for others. These understandings, and how you respond to them, are critical for successfully engaging with a team and completing specific tasks.

In every activity in AIESEC, we have to engage with young individuals we know or sometimes with young individuals that we meet for the first time. By engaging in various organizing committees, functions, projects, and many more activities and communicating with local as well as foreign individuals, we all develop our social skillsets and overcome whatever barriers we may have for them while finding their true potential. Practical experience is the best way to learn and develop anything, and I believe AIESEC is the best place for young individuals to reach their true potential.

So, hop along and join us to discover your capabilities and unlock many more along the way!

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